Palestine Memory

An archive that stands the test of time.


Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies






Non-Profit/Social, Media



Palestine Memory is a digital archive dedicated to preserving and documenting the rich history of Palestine and its national movements. Developed by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, this platform serves as a comprehensive archive of private collections of important individuals that defined the national Palestinian movement as a whole.

This project is of great importance due to a lack of national archiving within Palestine, which threatens the loss of more than eighty years of history within occupied territories.

We helped create a visual identity for the organization, as well as providing UI/UX enhancements for the website.

Drawing from colors associated with the rich, cultural tradition of Palestine, we created a palette which speaks to the origins and mission of Palestine Memory to be integrated in the visual branding.

We implemented an advanced filtration feature, which enhances accuracy and efficiency, making it easier to locate relevant archived content quickly.

Ease of navigation for a comprehensive set of private collections for important figures in Palestinian History

Unlike other archives, Palestine Memory draws from the private collections of historically significant people in Palestinian history, representing a wide range of important perspectives on the past eighty years of occupation and struggle.

Creating a visually unique online presence in communication