The Middle-Eastern news site has dedicated an article to the rebranding exercise that the global logistics provider Aramex has accomplished with the help of SYNTAX. The article evaluates the branding in the context of Aramex’s global expansion and marks the importance and the benefits of the integrated branding solution SYNTAX provided in order to create a brand experience that truly reflects the company culture and the company’s proposition.

“Syntax, which primarily worked with Aramex on brand marketing, brainstormed a number of ideas before selecting its final strategy. ‘Aramex is a company that has built its reputation package by package and parcel by parcel, but its corporate image has failed to keep up with the operator’s size,’ outlined Ahmad Humeid, CEO of Syntax. ‘The lower-case logo makes Aramex more approachable and young, which is something it clearly wanted to portray. This is matched by the culture of the company, which is a non-asset operator and therefore has the flexibility and agility to deliver innovative logistics solutions.’ “

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